Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jadu ki jhappi

A sincere handshake/hug can do wonders!
The 'Attitude Rockers' did a practical demonstration of the same. They called the folks over for small audio-visual from youtube

This set the stage for an interesting exercise. All were given a piece of paper... and asked to interact with people they were not in touch with. This was to be initiated & closed with a handshake/hug.

The chaos was worth watching... pics in the slideshow on the right!

Good show, attitude rockers! We are expecting more such stuff from you...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poll results: Recognition for doing good work

Firstly, apologies to the group for not maintaining the pace set by third floor employees. The fault is with the author (who has a solid excuse) & not due to lack of enthusiasm in the workgroup.

The poll results are out. The enthusiasm levels were better this time.
24 employees polled (around 50% sample size).
The good news is that 70% people have been appreciated! That's wonderful!

Out of the 30% employees not appreciated, there are some interesting responses. 12% believe that its a farce (recognition, my foot!). Something that the seniors could look into.

Dear all, thanks for your participation. The honesty shown is definitely inspiring. Please keep checking this space for more updates.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Movie screening

On 29 August, the 'Attitude Rockers' sprung a very pleasant surprise. Like typical Bollywood style movie releases, there was adequate drama created with posters & messages.

The clandestine operation consisted of one person setting up the laptop on the 8th floor conference room, and ensuring that the Bose speakers were working fine... there was another one to ensure that no-one gets the inside story till showtime!!

Just before the show started, the birthday babies (Amit, Smiley, Pravin, Vishal, Venkat, and kiran) were brought together for a small celebration

the 'B' listers

saathi haath badhana

while the on-lookers waited patiently for their share

The show started with Ponmany finally sharing the purpose of the meeting, which was to screen the original documentary on 'Fish'

Good show, Attitude Rockers- Danny, Ponmany, Supriya, Yatin!!
We are sure that this will give us the correct perspective on 'Fish philosophy'...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Poll results: Fish initiative

11 folks participated in the poll. The results are:

  • 9 unequivocal Yesses (81%)
  • 1 unequivocal Nooooo (9%)
  • 1 person said that he has work to do!! (9%)

Looks positive! However, it would have been great if we had more participation, which would have given us a better/accurate picture...

Here's another one for you guys!

In the last 6 months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress? Poll on...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Independence day

14th August was a very exciting day on 3rd floor, Metropolitan. When one passed through the main entrance, a very aesthetically done rangoli welcomed them. Yes, RFD was celebrating Independence day! And how!!

The office was decorated with ribbons & balloons.

Special bands were created out of the three colours of our tricolour & employees could choose a colour that they liked। Depending on the colour you chose, a thought was shared with you...

The celebration began with the flag hoisting ceremony

Dinanath spoke passionately about the need to cherish our independence...

And people listened.

A slogan writing contest had been organised earlier in the week and the winners were announced
The first prize went to Ms. Pranali Sawant!

अभिनव अपना गर्व हैं।

स्वतंत्रता ६१ वा सुवार्नापर्व हैं।

ना हो पाए हम उन क्षणों के साक्षी

पर आओ उसे निभाना हमारा कर्तव्य हैं!

शहीदों की कुर्बानी व्यर्थ ना जाए

सोने की चिडिया फिर ले चेह्चेहाये

देखे ये जो ख्वाब उन्होंने भारत के

आओ उनको हकीकत की धरती पर लाए

Dinanath's entry was also very interesting...

हर बस्ती मैं उजाला हो

हर हाथ मैं निवाला हो

हस्ते बच्चे बसते हो

निखरे निखरे रस्ते हो

बनायेंगे हम इस धरती को स्वर्ग से भी महान

वादा करते हैं हम की छु लेंगे आसमान

Anil Vaidya could not be present for the celebration and hence his entry was read...

हर आँख में खुशी के आँसू

हाथों में हाथ बांधे

चले हैं हम सब एक साथ

बने हे हर होठ पर हे मुस्कान

यही हे भारत देश की शान

करे हम भारतमाता के गुन गान

चले हम अपना सीना तान

चलो अपनाए इश्वर का यह वरदान

All good things come to an end. Special thanks to all the office boys/staff who helped put up such a great show!!